Scholarships, Bursaries, and so much more!
A scholarship is a monetary award based on academics or merit (community involvement, athletics, program of study, etc.) that is given to a student to help support his/her post-secondary education. There are countless scholarships, awards, and bursaries available to students but, unfortunately, some of these remain unclaimed due to lack of applicants. This is why we greatly encourage our graduating students to spend some time researching and applying for scholarships.
One great way to find scholarships, is to sign up to or and receive free information about scholarships that you qualify for. To keep organized and never miss a deadline, use our Scholarship Tracking Sheet. Need help applying for scholarships? Check out 7 Tips to Help You Find & Win Scholarships and talk to Mrs. Morrison.
Below, we have listed our local scholarships, as well as other provincial scholarships that students can apply for.
Also students and families can access the powerpoint slides of our Scholarship 101 presentation by clicking the image above.