Congratulations Mr. Randall!

In recognition of his contributions to athletics, on Nov 30th Mr. Randall received the Northeast Alberta Schools' Athletic Association Award of Merit at the ASAA banquet in Red Deer. Mr. Randall began his teaching career at F.G. Miller Jr./Sr. High School in 2012 and has served as the school's athletic director ever since, coaching volleyball, basketball, track, badminton, cross country and golf. He wasted no time getting involved provincially, making a successful bid to host the 2A girls volleyball championships in 2013. Mr. Randall's passion and dedication to athletics has not only shaped F.G. Miller School's sports program, but for years has also extended beyond the school's walls to both the St. Paul Athletic Association and the Northeast Zone. Mr. Randall has held the position of SPAA president since 2015 and the NEASAA vice president since 2015. Mr. Randall's commitment to kids' athletics cannot be understated. Congratulations Mr. Randall!